First of all, I got a scholarship! Yes, you heard me. I feel that it is almost impossible to get a scholarship at BYU, but I did it! It's an RMYL departmental scholarship for $1,000. Can I get a hoo ha? It was a last minute decision to apply and I literally turned my application in about 2 hours before the deadline, but I'm ever so grateful for my decision to go through with it. I get to go to a banquet on Tuesday, April 6th with my parents and all of the other scholarship applicants. I sure do feel special :)
Secondly, I had the best weekend! It was filled with friends, $3.00 80's bowling night, the Festival of Colors, "Did you Hear About the Morgans?", and family. The highlight of it all- my first time at the Festival of Colors. I went with my roommate, Kat, and her sisiter, Chelsea. It was a blast! Granted, it took us a while to wake up, but when the fun began, it didn't stop! For all of you who are unfamiliar with this, I'll give you a little background. At the Hindu temple in Spanish Fork, UT they celebrate the coming of Spring by burnin the Witch of Winter. This is followed by throwing colorful chalk. I would have to say that most of the crowd there is from BYU, but we are taught to become familiar with other religions, right? Just doing our duty, and having fun in the process! The only unpleasant experience I had was the initial throwing. I think I till have chalk filled in my lungs. No clean air for about a minute to breath... the longest minute of my life. But alas, I am alive. Here are some picutres from it!