Here we go! I'm almost done updating my blog. I'm really surprised with how well I have been doing at blogging lately. It's fun! So anyway, during the weekend of July 4th our family got together for our annual, soon to be biannual, family reunion. We reserved a campsite at the Heber Valley Camp which is owned by the church and mostly used for Girls' Camps. The camp was so big that we decided to invite the Collier family to share it with us. What a great idea that was. Lots of people, but lots of fun! Of course blogging isn't as fun without pictures, so here is the story of our family reunion told in pictures.

Audrey, Emily, and I. We sure do love pictures. I am once again so glad that they were able to come! This is the first summer Audge and I have lived more than a quarter mile away from each other! We sure have been spoiled to be so lucky.
Erin and I had our own photo shoot. No, this isn't the cutest picture we got of the 2 of us, but it IS my favorite picture! I still laugh like I just saw it for the first time. No words can describe this picture. I sure do love Erin a whole lot. She is one of my best friends and I'm so glad we got to spend time together before the reunion. She makes me laugh like no one else does. Multiple times I have been talking to her on the phone and my roommates will come in to the room wondering what is so funny b/c I am laughing so hard and consistently. I just smile and say, "I'm talking to Erin." That's all they need to know haha. Love her!

Me and Audge. We have been best friends for so long that I consider her my sister.

Mitchell loved playing baby with Analise. He would beg to be put in the play pen and then roll around and "goo" and "ga" at everyone. It was the funniest, and cutest thing. He is such a pleasant 2 year old, most of the time ;) And Analise was a joy the whole time. She is full of smiles.

I wish I had more pictures over the years with my sisters. Look what they've been hiding all this time! Haha, we had our own photo op and when I suggested we do a silly picture Laurel and Kristen had a surprised look on their face as if they've never heard of such a thing! Erin and I had to coach them through it. Lets just say that out of all the attempts, this is the best one. But the series of pictures leading up is hilarious! I love my sisters so so much. It was so fun to have everyone together again. I wish we all lived closer so we could have sister outing more often!

After our campfire dinner the Colliers prepared a skit for everyone to enjoy. Brandon and I got to participate. This is the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Little Bears. Brandon was Goldie Locks and I got to be his hands. It was quite the production with David as Papa Bear, Dad as Mama Bear, and Mark as Baby Bear. Their wives sat in as their hands. They did things like brush their teeth, eat, drink, and sleep. It was a success, and everyone rolled with laughter. Great idea Colliers!

Brandon and me after the skit. We did a pretty good job of staing clean!

Me and my little stud muffin, Mitchell. He loved the s'mores we made after dinner. Quite the sticky mess, but that's what camping's all about.

The next day we had the opportunity to go down to the Camp Lake and use canoes and paddle boats for an hour. Jenna had the great opportunity of coming with Audge and me. It was so fun to have her with us. Much like Erin and Jared's experience with Cannon, we feared that our canoe was going to tip over. Jenna wanted to help out and paddle, but everytime she moved from side to side Audge and I got a little scare and had to keep from tipping. Poor girl, she just wanted to help. We kindly reminded her that tipping was not an option and she had to sit in the middle. It ended up being fun, and she was so cute and had a great attitude. Happy disposition!

Here we are in our canoe! What a great looking crew :) It was a gorgeous day, and the water was great.

After we played in the canoes for a little bit we decided to take a turn in one of the paddle boats. This picture shows that I sat in the middle, but it didn't start that way... the missionaries put me and Erin as the paddlers, Audge in the middle, and Jenna and Cannon in the back. After my knee injury I was a little nervous that I wasn't going to be much help in paddling. My analysis was correct. I think I peddled twice before I couldn't do it anymore. Poor Erin thought she was going to die. We decided maybe it would be nice for Audge and I to switch spots. Once we did this it was a smooth sailing trip. Cannon was a little annoyed we wouldn't let him paddle, but we wanted to be able to reach it back to shore in a timely manner. It ended up being very relaxing, for me at least, and we had a lot of fun.
The family reunion ended up being a great success! We also did a ropes course but I unfortunately didn't get any pictures of that. My favorite was Kristen on the high ropes event. It was quite the show, but I'm so glad she did it! And with her eyes closed... she's a pro. I sure do love my family and I can't wait for our reunion next year which Trent and Kristen's families are planning. The rumor is that we are going to try and do a beach house in California! Partay!
Probably no beach house...Sorry:( I love your comment about Kristen and Laurel never hearing of taking a silly picture. It was so funny watching them attempt and all the time wondering when and how they got mixed up in such an ordeal. I had fun with you! Love the post! Miss you! I want some of those pics!
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your blog. I hope you don't mind I read through this post on your family reunion. What a fun game - goldilocks and the 3 bears. I am teaching a class on family reunions at next month. Am I asking to much to show pictures from your blog?? I won't include names or your blog address. Just the two pics with description? If I don't hear from you, then I won't. and I understand. Very fun idea!! -