I am no doubt the luckiest Mom in the world. I know many people probably feel that way, so I'm happy to join the Motherhood club this year. Last year Brynlee was due just before Mother's Day. Did she come? No, she came after. This year is my first official year as a Mom. It has been one of the best years of my life. I can't imagine a better calling than motherhood.
Today I decided to bring Brynlee home from church during the last hour for her nap b/c she has been running a fever. I love to take advantage of the times she is sick and will let me snuggle her and rock her. Yes, I've learned that being a Mom is not easy. Lots of days I don't know how I'm going to make it to bedtime. But it's the moments like rocking my baby, getting an unexpected sloppy kiss on the lips, having those tiny arms wrap around my neck and hug, when she smiles and laughs just b/c I'm looking at her- these are the moments that make every frustration worth it.
There are so many amazing women in my life. I am so blessed to have a beautiful, strong, supportive, and capable mother who has loved me every day, always been there to listen, given life changing advice, and really has been one of my best friends. She has taught me more than I ever realized growing up, but now that I have a little one of my own, I realize how much my Mom has taught me. She has always been an example to me of what a daughter of Heavenly Father should be doing. I think about how I'm ever going to teach Brynlee the things my Mom taught me, and I can only pray that I do a good job! Thank you Mom for your example and for loving me in spite of all my mistakes. You are the mother I hope to become! I love you.
I am also truly blessed to have 4 older sisters and a sister in law who I look up to more than they know. They are so creative, patient with their children, full of life, and strong LDS women. It's nice to have so many examples of Mothers raising young children. I admire all they do and the relationships they have with their kids.
With marriage comes in-laws. I have a wonderful Mother in-law who is the perfect example to me of selflessness. She hardly ever puts herself first. She is the first one to offer to lend a helping hand or babysit the neighbors kids. I am so grateful for her example, and know Brynlee will learn much from her. My sister in-laws have become my great friends, and I am so grateful for eternal friends who accept me for who I am and are always there to help. I am so blessed!
And just a little thank you to all my girlfriends who are more like my sisters than my friends. I am amazed at the bond that we have. It has been so fun to have and raise our first babies together. I know that no matter where we all live, or what we're doing, I can always count on my besties to be there for me. Thank you for all you do for me!
So... Happy Mothers Day! I Love you all :)
Love this! You are an amazing mom!!!