Our first Halloween as a family was a wonderful one full of parties, candy, family, and friends!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Happy Halloween!
Our first Halloween as a family was a wonderful one full of parties, candy, family, and friends!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Pumpkin Patch
It was lots of fun to go out with Kait and Audge, and it's even more fun to all have baby girls together who we can watch grow up and go through their first year of life together. We will be so sad when everyone is done with school and parts their separate ways. If we had it our way, they would stay right by us no matter where we go! I couldn't ask for better friends :)
Monday, October 8, 2012
Happy Birthday to Me
That night after Rob got home, we took Brynlee over to a friends house to hang out for the night while we went out on a date! Woo hoo! Kid free. Love her to death, but I sure do celebrate when we get to go on dates these days. They are few and far inbetween.
Rob made a little "scavenger hunt" for me. The clues were very funny and creative. We went to the creamery for ice cream, to the park to play frisbee, and then to Tucano's for dinner. Yuuuummmy! It was so great! We then went to pick up Brynlee from playing with her friend, McKae, and watched a little of the BYU football game. After a little bit we headed home for some "cake" and presents.
I'm not a huge fan of cake, but I LOVE and CRAVE Marie Calendar's chocolate satin pie. Rob was a sweetheart and got it for me. Boy was it good! We even let Brynlee taste some whipped cream. She LOVED it! It was a wonderful birthday, and I have the best family in the world :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
3 Months
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Happy Father's Day!
Our First Road Trip
Baby Model
Brynlee's Blessing
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Brynlee Andria Draper
The short story of it all: We checked in to the hospital on Wednesday night to start the drug Sytotech (sp?) which is to help ripen the cervix. I had contractions all night long, and needless to say, didn't get much sleep. In the morning the Dr. broke my water, and then we started Petosin (sp?). Brynlee did NOT like Petosin. Whenever they gave me a dose of it she started to have irregularities in her heart rhythm, and my dilation stopped. When they would stop giving me the drug, Brynlee was as happy as could be and I kept dilating at an extremely quick pace. I dilated from a 3 to a 9 1/2 in just a couple of hours. The nurses and I decided Petosin was not helping.
Once I was ready to push, it took just over 2 hours til she decided to come out. She didn't make it easy by tilting her head at an angle that was very difficult to move out, but Mommy did it with the help of Daddy and his now sore hand. She came out with a cute little mohawk thanks to the Dr. who apparently was playing with her hair and styling it in between pushes. Glad someone was enjoying themselves!
Through the whole delivery and last few weeks of pregnancy, we can already tell that she is going to be one who does things when she is ready, not when everyone else is. We love her to pieces and can't believe she's finally here. Being a parent is SO MUCH HARDER than we thought it would be, but in the end we are loving it. Welcome to our home Brynlee!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Month of Love

Sunday, February 12, 2012
25 weeks

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Minnesota Makings
I am one of the luckiest girls in the world. You're expecting me to say it's b/c of my husband, right? Well, even though that's true, that's not it. I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world b/c I have the best sisters in the world!
This past week I was, by a miracle, able to go visit my sister, Erin, and her family in Minnesota. They've lived there for way too long, and we aren't able to get together near enough! It was so much fun to be able to escape life and join someone else's. She has the cutest kids that keep her busy, but they are so fun! Even amidst the busyness of her kids we were able to do some fun things! Erin is very crafty, and has made some extremely cute things for her little girl, and that's what I wanted to do while I was there. I was completely happy with staying home and making fun things for Brynlee who will be a part of our family in May!
These are homemade baby leggings! We did three different finishings on the bottom- ruffle, cuff, and whip stitch. They are super easy too! And made out of women's knee high socks. My favorite is the ruffle finish.

Sunday, January 1, 2012
Catching up and Wrapping up 2011
A new year comes to a close once again, and what a year it has been! We have reached 2 great milestones in our lives this past year.

How does that song go? "First comes love, then comes marriage..." Oh yes! "...Then comes a baby in the baby carriage!" Yes, we also got pregnant in 2011. We are expecting a girl on May 17, 2012. And according to her ultrasound pictures, we are expecting her to arrive with a cute button nose :)
We were a little worried at first that she was going to be a fiesty one, and perhaps a rebel due to the fact that we can only see "the finger" in this picture. But as we looked closer, she is holding up two of her fingers, but the angle darkens out the other. Phew!

We are so excited to meet her! And also excited to be parents even though we have moments of panic. I think that's normal...
I am proud to say I made these stockings for our first Christmas this year! I was going to make a third for our baby for next year, but wasn't 100% sure what name to put on it. We have found a few names we really like, but I keep coming back to the name I have loved since we got married... I'm feeling more and more sure she's going to be Brynlee because I try to like other names just as much but can't, but I don't want to commit to one name quite yet! Anyway, she'll have a matching stocking to go with ours next year.