So I have been horrible at updating my blog, but it's all in good reason. I have had quite the busy, but best summer ever! I thought instead of writing a bunch of long blog posts on every event I would just catch you all up on what I have been up to. You can probably see the rest for yourself ;) However, these pics are in no particular order. In fact, they are very much out of chronological order.

Rob and I met at EFY as counselors, and the rest is history :) What you see is all you need to know ha ha. One night we couldn't decide what to do, and then decided to go to a Bees game! It was so fun! And we ran into Brooke & Adam (another EFY couple, and good friends!). It was Rob's first baseball game ever, can you believe that?

We also went boating. What an adventure! We pretty much just rode the tube the whole time, but did a little water skiing and wake boarding. Let me rephrase that... I tubed the whole time and others did skiing and wake boarding. I tried skiing, but just couldn't get up! At least I tried.

Real Salt Lake soccer game! I bought 10 tickets for $50.00 thinking that I'd use them all this summer. I then did EFY and never had time to use my tickets! So here we are enjoying at least one game. Go Real! Also a first for Rob.

The zoo! And not just the zoo... but the new baby elephant, Zuri! She is soooo cute. If you haven't gone to see her, then you must! We sat and watched her for probably 15 minutes just being a baby and playing in the mud. I officially want to play in the mud now.

My last 2 weeks of EFY I had the chance to work as a BC (building counselor). It was a blast! For our service project we were known as the service 5, and here we are in our masks. We were on a mission for service!

Another picture of our great team :) Cute family, eh?

My last week as a counselor and I got the best co in the world... AGAIN! Someone was looking out for me :) What a great week! Sure do like him!
In Taylorsville, Rob and I discovered a secret door to the roof. And the guy working on top let us take a glance!

My best friend's wedding! Audge and Matt finally sealed the deal :) And I got to be a bridesmaid! She was a gorgeous bride, and I loved being able to be a part of it! Love you Audge!
Well, I did much more than just this this summer, but these are some of the highlights. I had the best summer imaginable, and it turned out so much better than I had ever hoped! Thanks to all those who helped this to be possible. Now it's back to school, homework, work, and responsibility. Yuck! I want to be a kid forever!