I'm the luckiest girl alive! Do you know why? I have the best Mom and sisters in the entire world- hands down. If you have sisters then I hope you know the kind of bond I'm talking about. It's indescribable, but it's the best bond a girl could ask for. If you don't have sisters, I hope you have great sister in-laws, or best friends who are like sisters. Well, I'm the youngest of 7. I have 4 incredible sisters, and a sister in law who is just another sister in my eyes. I am constantly amazed at their abilities and talents. They are all Moms and the definition of a super mom! Including my own Mom. As I prepare to be a Mom someday I hope to emulate even a little bit of what my Mom and sisters do. I hope to be just a small part of what they are!
And here are a few things that I look up to each of them for...
Mom: I can't say enough. I am fortunate enough to have grown up in a home where Mom was always around. She was always waiting for me when I got home from school. Being a homemaker and Mother is the greatest gift my Mom could have ever given me b/c she gave me her time and love. She is patient, compassionate, understanding, a great listener, gives great advice, selfless, creative, organized, spiritual, actively involved in her kids lives, sacrifices her time and talents, and has the Mother's touch. She was the one who could fix any hurt I was feeling and comfort me through any trial. I love her more than I can ever express!
Carrie: What an amazing woman! She always has a smile on her face and a positive attitude. She is always looking for fun things to do with her kids and loves spending time with them. She is the first person to care if one of her kids is sad or hurt. I've never met a more caring and sincere woman. I hope to have the same compassion for my kids that she shows for her own. And I hope to always have a smile on my face like she does :)
Kristen: She has always been a great example to me! She comes up with the most creative things to do with her kids even if it's just as simple as a reward system for doing things around the house. She knows how to take time out of her busy day and play with her children and enjoy them. She seems to always have things under control and it's so much fun to go visit her and see how she does it, even though I still don't know how she does! Her children come first and I have seen first hand the amount of time and effort she invests in her family. I hope to be able to remember that it's the small moments and spending quality time with your family that is important. She's always got family dinner ready and family mealtime is important. I hope to always be able to do the same with my family!
Laurel: Laurel is the perfect example of someone who sacrifices anything she can for her family. She is a busy person, but is always wanting the best for her kids. She makes an effort to take her kids fun places and make sure they're enjoying life. She laughs with them and enjoys the fun things they say and do. I can tell how much she loves her family by the way and how much she talks about them. I hope to be a fun Mom like Laurel and take my kids fun places. I hope to think of my kids first and foremost before my own needs like she does!
Erin: Erin is one of the funnest people I know, and that didn't change when she had kids. Two kids within less than a year apart? Most people would be so stressed, but she is a great example of someone who lives life to the fullest and has fun with her kids! We live far away from each other, but from stories, phone calls, visits, and pictures, I see how much she enjoys her kids! She dances with them, sings with them, takes time to sit down and play with them, and documents everything they do! I admire how she documents their growth and development. I hope to always be a fun mom and remember to be a little crazy at times!
Andria: Though she doesn't have kids yet, I know what kind of Mom she will be b/c of the kind of person she was. She was always the one I would go to when I was sad, lonely, wanted to play, or simply wanted to spend time with someone. She never got upset with me or turned me away. She invited me into everything and took me fun places. She loved everyone and did anything she could to make someone else a little happier. She was a positive and happy person who knew what it meant to be filled with charity. I can't wait to her cute family and her kids someday!
As you can see, my family is amazing! I can't wait to be a Mom, and I hope to be even just a little bit of what my Mom and sisters are. I love them with all my heart and look up to them in everything they do :)
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