1. Breathe, it's a lot to handle, but it gets easier and you don't have to do it alone.
2. Pick your counselors and secretary prayerfully- they are going to be your greatest support.
3. Use your counselors! You don't have to do everything on your own. They are called to support you. Utilize them.
4. Delegation. I have learned through many callings that delegation can work wonders!
5. Pray for the sisters of you ward. As I have been doing this it is amazing how much closer I feel to them and how much better I have come to know them.
6. Ask the Lord for help frequently. The Lord qualifies whom he calls.
So far things have been absolutely wonderful. It's only been 2 weeks and I know every girl, and I feel like I've known them for quite a while. I have the best counselors and secretary, and I have never felt closer to my Heavenly Father. I'm so grateful for this opportunity! I don't know what it is that the Lord needs from me at this specific time, but I hope and pray that I can serve to my greatest potential.
You are amazing. Good luck! I'm thinking of you and can't wait to see you next Saturday!