Pregnant pics are NOT flattering if you ask me, but this one is probably the best one we've gotten with my actual face in it.
So there have been good, bad, and ugly things thus far about third trimester pregnancy. I will share a few of mine.
The Good:
1. Having an excuse to eat whatever sounds good, WHEN it sounds good.
2. Not feeling sick about certain foods and liking most everything.
3. Having a husband who feels it is his obligation to do everything for me when he's home.
4. Being pregnant with my two best friends at the same time.
The Bad:
1. Not getting a full nights sleep.
2. Having pinched nerves which in short, is VERY painful
3. Getting light headed when I have to bend over
4. Forgetting the most simple things!
The Ugly:
1. A belly button which is losing its regular shape. I've always thought outty belly buttons were so gross! Luckily I don't have one of those yet, but I'm getting a little nervous.
2. Having to cross my legs anytime I sneeze... just in case...
3. Feeling chubby, and looking chubby in all pictures
I am very blessed to have had such a great pregnancy. I've heard so many horrible stories, and I'm happy to say, I'm glad it's not me! Can't wait to meet our little Brynlee :) And excited to let Rob hold and carry her for a while! I get to share the love soon!