Well, February has come and gone. I have been horrible at keeping up with the blog, for the 3 of you who read it... but better late than never! February is the month of love for the world, but it is our official month of love b/c we get more celebration than most people. We get to celebrate Valentines, AND our anniversary.
I can't believe it's been a year since we got married. What a year it has been too! We've done lots of fun things, gone through lots of not so fun things, and learned to live with each other and love each other through it all :) This year for our anniversary the 3 of us (us and the little baby inside me), spent the weekend in downtown SL. We went out to dinner at Rumbi Grill, stayed at the Anniversary Inn in the Country Garden room, went to the SL temple and did sealings, and then went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory! All of these things were things we did on our honeymoon, or wedding day. So it was great!

Valentine's Day was pretty low key and relaxing for us this year. We decided that as poor, expecting, college students, we would save our money for our Anniversary weekend and do something cheaper for Valentines Day. I was in charge of dinner. And here's what the finished product looked like. A picnic in the living room (idea adopted from sister, Erin). We ate Subway, red potato salad, chips, and of course, sparkling cider.
And this was my gift to Rob. A candy bouquet. Once again, trying to go on the cheaper side. He loved it, so it was a success! And easy.
It was a great February for us! Lots of love going around, and lots of celebration :) Next year will be a little different seeing as how we'll have a little one with us, but it'll be fun to start some of our own family traditions, and we can't wait!