Well, I'm going through a lot of change lately. A lot. I'm feeling nervous and excited all of the time. Some of the changes I'm making are:
1. Quit a WONDERFUL job to do an internship for graduation
2. Not having a job, and therefore, living off of only Rob's income
3. Grandpa Shaw died last week, and we're missing him
4. Saying goodbye to people I've grown to love b/c life goes on, and people go different ways
5. Getting ready to meet a lot of new people (mostly senior citizens) and hoping they like me
6. Rob has a lot of night classes, so we will have less time together each day
7. Still getting use to our nursery calling. Loving it, but each week brings new surprises
8. Looking forward to graduation and feeling lost on where I'll end up when it's all over
Though change is hard for me, I'm grateful for the things I learn through it all. Yes, sometimes I have to say goodbye to some people, but other people quickly come into my life, and I'm grateful for them. It's amazing how much change can refine and strengthen us. We learn more about who we are and what we are capable of. Though I dislike change, everything always turns out right.
Elder Marvin J. Ashton said,
"Yes, there is pain in change , but there is also great satisfaction in recognizing that progress is being achieved. Life is a series of hills and valleys and often the best growth comes in the valleys."
So here's to change, new experiences, and growth!