Oh boy! What have I gotten myself into? You ask what in the world I'm talking about? Well, I'll tell you. I have fallen completely, madly, deeply, head over heels in love with a boy. That boy asked me to marry him, and I said yes!
Since the beginning of our relationship I had no idea how I could like him any more than I already did. I continually learned just how much more until like turned to love, and love turned to wanting to spend eternity with him, and him only. I couldn't have found anyone more perfect for me. He is my better half!

These are just a few of our engagement pictures that the talented Randy Collier took for us. Aren't we a good lookin' couple? ;) Randy kept telling me, "Ok, lets try a softer smile, not so big," just for a different effect, but I couldn't do it! That's how it is every single day. I can't help but smile when I think that I have finally found the boy of my dreams.

I always have told my friends, "Every girl deserves to be swept off of her feet, not settle for something." Rob has completely swept me off my feet from the moment we met at EFY! Literally. From the minute I saw him I was nervous to even think about saying hi to him let alone carrying on a conversation with him! Come to find out he had a very similar experience, but here we are, getting hitched. We fully endorse EFY ha ha :)

I have found the best friend I have always dreamed of and I couldn't imagine asking for anyone better for me, because I can't even imagine that they would exist. I can't wait to start our life together, but I am no expert! I know there will be speed bumps and construction sites along the road, but I know that we will get through them and build a greater relationship. What's better than marrying your best friend? I can't think of anything, but if you figure it out, please... let me know! Just 6 weeks and 3 days! February 17th... here we come!